Thursday, July 5, 2007

Stellar 643

Woke-up early this morning.. My wife's finally home and while my little boy is sleeping peacefully, decided to stand-up and go down for today's line of work. Then again it's still to early, went outside to check Stellar... Maybe it's a bit odd to name my car with my favorite track from Incubus. Since the car is still clean and damp, decided to pursue on waxing it with a liquid wax my friend suggested that I use. This plan was supposedly scheduled on a weekend and It should have been. But since weekend has it's own unmanageable schedule, opted to complete the chore on a weekday. It's interesting that even I lost track of time. 2 hours just flew on doing this task, but am quite happy with the output. It's as if Stellar was brought back to the time where it was parked on a showroom along Aguinaldo highway.

Went home after this and saw my wife and kid still fast asleep. What a way to start a day. Now it's time for me to work. To the office I go :)

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