Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Closed doors... Key-in... Ignition...
Air-con vent opened... Tune the radio...
Check both side-mirrors... Check rear-view mirror...
Clutch stepped-on.. Crank to first-gear..
Hand on the steering-wheel... Release handbrake...
Mildly release clutch.. Turn the steering-wheel steadily...
Gently step-on accelerator... Then boom...

It's just heart-breaking that even the simplest of all things becomes so complicated. Try drowning yourself with bottles of beer just to forget the simplest possible error there is. Just ain't enough you think. Whole bitter day just to check what is reality. All in all am just shadowing the person whom I elegantly poise on the top deck. This is sickening when all we wanted to is just to break ground. Breaking? I know someone who's great in doing this stuff...

Dead-tired of this phase. Maybe minor errors are just part of the learning curve. Maybe there's just 101 records broken every second. Maybe there's no real word such as 'maybe'. Well that is if those so called errors surprisingly takes toll of somebody else. Now I'll be posting my own penance. No more driving for you kiddo...

by: Somebody-Else-On-The-Back-Of-One's-Mind

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